emollients, proteins and humectants. oh my! emollients, protein and humectants. oh my!...

morning. my own snorts kept waking me up. so now i'm up, snorts a recent memory held in the slight rawness of my throat and nasal cavaties.

the truth is, i came home from work yesterday a little freaked out because i applied for the colleague training and i'm the only one who applied so it means i have a pretty good chance of being picked and so it's a little scary. i'll be gone for three whole weeks and i'll be living with all these strangers and i'll have to do presentations and work in a different unit then usual and it's just not a comfort zone kind of experience. you know? but on the other hand i know it could be a good experience and more training and learning is always good so i applied. so once i was home i tried to find a last minute costume and elicia tried to help me, but i couldn't find one i was happy with and i was getting heavy lidded so i went and had a little nap, waking up only in time to help elicia do her hair before she left. i still thought i might have a light bulb moment and find something satisfying to be, but i didn't and to make matters more compelling on the side of staying home, i was still very tired AND jane eyre was on tv. and it was a jane eyre i hadn't seen before, or else i don't remember seeing it. it was pretty good. by the time it was over all thought of just showing up in my regulars, my civies, plain clothes if you will, had fled to thoughts of coziness in the couch (who's my bud again) and mulan. and so i had a lovely time watching my new mulan and shedding a tear or two. sigh. i love jane eyre and i love mulan. i was falling asleep during all of the mulan features so i prepared for bed and was just about to hop in when the girls came home and told me all about the dance and who was what and so on. karey won 100 bucks for her costume at work. apparently it was a lanslide vote. and elicia said people even knew what she was and really liked her costume.

at work, mireya, donna and i dressed up in some sixties clothes from the thriftstore and pranced around to all the units getting candy. candy. ugh. i had more candy yesterday than i ever want to experience in one day again. YUK (like bitsie would say. where is the bitty man these days anyways? disapeared that's where)

on thursday steve came over for survivor/apprentice (randy was a no show and karey was late and no selina) and we carved pumpkins for karey for the dance while we watched. at first steve refused to carve, but i knew the carving lust was in him and he eventually caved to the carve. i liked mine this year. i broke away from three years of basically the same jack-o-lantren. well same style. this one was differnt. big wide eyes and a big gaping oval mouth. no nose. i got some slack for the no nose choice, but i stick by it and i think it's best. no need to complicate things with a nose. karey left the jack-o-lantrens at the church which makes me a little sad, because what will we put on our door step? but she rightly pointed out that they were the church's pumpkins and i could buy one today and do it. that's true. i just might.

i woke up with wick in my head. it's a song from the secret garden.

if a thing is wick it has a light about it. now mary not a light that you can see. but somewhere deep in side .... a single streak inside it. comon let me show ya what i mean. clear away the dead parts so the tender root can grow. when a thing is wick it has a will to grow! and groooooooooooow.
