Two the Res-q

Don't worry, Crackie, because Crockie is here to save the day. If Crackie can't write, Crockie will pen a little bit. Pen. Pensive. Whatever. What do you think about a guy who uses Oil of Olay body wash? With a loofah nonetheless? The mesh kind of loofah at that. Never heard of this before? News to you? News to me. Perturbing yet enjoyable. I guess expensive flatware needs to be cleaned with gentleness, a fresh scent, not to mention a mild exfoiliation??
I'm going to school. That was my phrase of today. I kept saying, "I'm going to school". Because I am.

Dee has found a place to live in Vancouver. Invitation for myself to spend as much time there as possible has been expressed. Got a place to crash when living it up downtown. Housewarming/Halloween party on Oct 30. All my friends are invited Dee says. This means ALL my friends, no joke. Dee is a friend who includes everyone and sincerely wants to meet ALL my friends. I love that about her. So, all of you out there who considers yourself my friend, get going to the housewarming bash of the year! Dee wants to meet YOU!

Won tickets to RENT and saw it on Friday with Swissknife (and he does sport one, no joke). Says you never know when you might need it. I replied with a 'yeah, never know when you might need a mini CARV-er.' Hahaha. No, I didNOT say that. I said 'yeah, never know when you might need a mini toothpick.....' He responds with, 'Mine doesn't have one of those.' I'll give you one of 'those' buddy.

Ever notice that point when you find someone is getting a little 'comfy' with you? Let me illustrate. Evidence: Asked to put his cell phone AND wallet in my purse. Sign of comfyness. Then wants his wallet. Naturally I responded with, 'what wallet'? Good fun ensues. Takes the liberty of putting his wallet in my purse himself. Uh, excuse me?

Example number two--- Backgrounder: I had forgotten to wear my ring the night of RENT. When I don't wear it I feel naked and lost. I play with my ring unconsciously. This night, however, no ring to play with which left me a little fidgety. Expressed the no ring situation to Sharpyness and he replied with, 'what is so special about it?'. I said 'about what?' He said, 'about your ring?'. I gave him a glare and said 'because it's my ring and I always wear it!'. Geez. Waiting for the show to start and reading my Playbill with one hand and with the other hand drumming my fingers on my thigh b/c NO ring to play with. BOXCUTTER: Physically stops me from doing this and says, 'Are you going to keep doing that?' Me: 'I told you I don't have my ring and yes I will keep doing it and you have to deal with the consequences of it.' CUTTINGBOARD: 'i guess I will have to keep stopping you then'. Let me stop YOU right now, buddy.

Example number 3, inquiring about the RENT plotline, while reading the plot summary in the Playbill: CUTTY: It says here that Benny was going to tear down the building but then it says he offers Roger and Mark to stay rent free. How can they live there rent free if he's going to tear it down? ME: Maybe he wasn't going to tear down the whole thing. MACHETE: But look it says he was going to build a high tech studio on the property and evict all the tenants of the old building. That doesn't make sense. ME: Why do you have to ask so many questions?! I think you should just watch the show. Insert eye roll here. This is the kind of stuff one who accompanies a Quality Assurance tester experiences. Feel my pain? Feel it.

This quote from SHINYCUTS I think says it all: "I love questions. Love em."

I wish Donny Osmond was my 'Solider of Love' if you know what I mean. Life can be cruel.

Crockie owwwt.
