today i was in the kitchen office just about to look up my work email, and jason came by to see if i got his emails. "i'm just looking it up now" i said. he looked at me and said "i think you're ok." "i think you're ok too." i replied. he smiled slightly. "i think you're good." i turned towards the computer because my email was coming up "i think you're good too." i had two emails from him that he must have sent from somewhere else in the building. one said "will you please be my god sister?" the other asked if i was in a bad mood today because i never said hi to him. well i did say hi. i just didn't do it in our usual sign language way, ie. spell it out in sign language. he wasn't really looking at me and i was busy, that's why i didn't. it's funny how people get used to some things and then come to rely on them a little. i mean if you don't do it, then it means something. today we had a memorial for walter who died on monday. we quickly cleaned up from lunch, made cookie platters (mine were the nicest and most artistic, even if it took barb three tries to pick out my favourite one. hmph.) set the dinning room up with flowers and candles and tablecloths, took out the talbes, set up the chairs etc, then at one thirty we turned out all the lights, lit the candles, everyone gathered and dave said a few words, then joe the yugoslavian, then jose played a song on his guitar while dave d. did a slide show presentation. walter didn't have any family. the clubhouse were his family. after it was all over and i had done the money and lisa and i were sitting in the office, i had my feet up on my desk and she was reaching past me, brushed the hem of my jeans and saw that my ankle had this dry patch. she promptly took out her ag kiwi hand and body moisturizer, which is quite nice, ( i didn't know ag did body products, did you?) and put it on my ankle for me. she then checked the other to see if it was ok. tomorrow lisa will be gone and i'll be a lone woman in the kitchen. it'll make for a gogo day. well steve's almost done dinner so i think i'll go.
ps. survivor tonight! i love the first day of survivor when you try to get to know all the people and what they're like and observe the first makings of relationships. ahhh good stuff.
