karey had her birthday dinner at bridges. this was optimal for me because i could have the hot seafood caeser. yumYUM as beets would say. steve and i were the last ones there and i apparently sat in the wrong seat. the prawblem was that i sat at the end, when i should have sat on the side next to randy and across from christine and let steve sit at the end. when he first brought this up to me, i basically thought he was insane. but apparently i'm the insane one. or at least thoughtless because i don't think of these things and others do. others who are not like me. karey and elicia both said that they thought it was weird that i sat where i did. without hearing steve's reasons they gave about the same ones. hello, did i miss that day at school or what. steve's words: "what are you going to do when you plan a big social?" this is amusing in that not only would i probably not put on a big social, but the chances are low that i would even get invited to one. basically i am telling you the truth. anyways after dinner steve and i drove christine and her friend loreen back to their car which was parked all the way down by vanier park. i got lost on the way. steve was caught up in the raptures of talking to someone who'd seen the same movie as him and had recognized the sound track, and so was an absentminded helper when it came to directions, to say the least, but we eventually made it and then we all went to casa gelatos. i was feeling brave, or more accurately stupid, and tried the pear gorgonzola blue cheese, which i didn't think was too bad, until i got a grain of blue cheese. then i wanted to hurl, but not as badly as i wanted to projectile vomit after trying durian. durian is a fruit that tastes like raw onions and rotting cabage. basically it tastes like it smells. steve said he'd buy me a whole cone of durian. in fact he was the major durian force in that whole episode. in the end i got lavender and ginger which was a nice combo. then we all sat in a row outside on the white plastic chairs while it drizzled beyond the awning.
can you get juice from an aloe vera? yes, yes you can.
can you get butter from a nut? i believe so, yes.
today karey and i went to richmond centre and while we were there, we went to the pet store. they had really cute kitties. i want a kitty. i also want a hedgehog (they had those!) and a frog and a little lizard too perhaps. anyways karey got me to check the aquarium isle for snakes and i truly didn't see any, but she rounded the corner saw a snake first thing, and fled the store. i stood there afterwards scrutinizing for a minute or two until i finally saw it. that's right another indication of her hound dogishness. it will take me a while to be forgiven for this trauma i did not save her from.
lisa went to the pne yesterday with the members and she brought me back a bag of mini doughnuts. itsn't that nice? she likes me.
today i had a long talke with jawn and salvica. it was nice to talk to them again, i mean it's been a looong time. slavica didn't even know that i had graduated. she was like "you mean you dressed up in a gown and walked across the stage and everything???" "yes." "and got your diploma???" "degree", i corrected. she was astounded. "well how come we didn't get one of those graduation invitations?" i told her they don't do that in canada. i guess she's been in the states a long time, poor girl. :)
