home from church and alone. alone is an ok thing to be at times. didn't go to the potlluck because didn't make anything for the potluck and just didn't mind coming home alone anyways. spoke too soon as it is evident that the girls are home now. indeed karey is at this moment sitting in the orange chair showing us what she learned in sundayschool, which is that her new moonstone necklace can suction to her underneck.
just had some roasted pepper black bean gardeny soup and it was goooooo-oood.
didn't want to go to church today. just didn't want to. was so close to staying home, but i knew that i just couldn't, so i didn't and i'm glad i went as i knew i would be. it wasn't that anything was totally amazing, or that i had any super spiritual experiences or epiphanies, but i felt the Spirit a little, had a little insight during sunday school and i knew i should go, so i felt good when i did go, because i did what i should even though i wasn't so inclined in the first place.
yesterday i found a cool book. it's an anthology of the world's greatest diarists. i like it a lot. i was lying in bed reading it this morning when i smelled a yucky sweet/musky smell. yeasty even. i was like "ewwww what's this unpleastry?" i scrunched up my nose and thought "someone must be making something dizGUSTing in the kitchen." after all elicia was puttering around the kitchen, and who knows WHAT she would be cooking up. but when i went out for roommate councel it turned out that all she was cooking was carrots. nawt yeasty (and yeasty is a word. i looked it up.). i asked if anyone else smelled the yeasty smell. they were like "no..." this coupled with the fact that i continued to smell the yeast in the same amount of concentration wherever i went made it clear to me that the unpleasentness originated with me. ie. i stunk like yeast. why, i don't know. it was all so sudden. but i showered it away. an entry from my book that i quite enjoy:
" 1st of January 1662
Waking this morning out of my sleep on a sudden, I did with my elbow hit my wife a great blow over her face and nose, which waked her with pain, at which I was sorry, and to sleep again.
Samuel Pepys"
ok, well gotsta go.
