pretty proud of myself. my reasons:
1. just rode randy's coattails to a big win over karey and pete in rook we were deep in the hole and climbed out and soared to a finish with a 300 hand.
2. brought my movies back last night AND paid for them right away as a good honest girl should do.
3. won the eagle argument. :)
4. cooked
5. not only cooked but did my dishes BEFORE i ate.
pretty impressive eh? well it is if you're special needs like yours truly. pete just scratched karey's head, like you would a little puppy, when he asked if she was coming over tomorrow. i commented on it when he left and she said "i know, that's what he does so he doesn't have to kiss me and say 'goodbye i love you' in front of everybody." ha ha.
to give steve his due, he now says that he only doubted my claim to see eagles 'all the time' and often in the vancouver area. however this may be, i still won the eagle argument which i enjoy quite a bit. :)
