just back from the mat. the laundry mat. had a victory and a loss in the environs of the mat. victory: found my knitting! i did in fact leave it there and l.mat-man had it for me behind the counter. this is good. this is very good. otherwise 8 months of intermittent knitting on fatima's christmas scarf would be for naught. and my knitting book would be lost forever, not to mention my knit(notbyme)knittingbag, which would be a loss indeed. loss: new capris casualty at the l.mat. don't want to give details. the point is, i'm whittling away my capris resourses. and those were my second faves. basically i'm left with my two least faves. this = disaster in fashion. in related news i couldn't find any capris today on my shopping excursion. i did however, find a pair of jeans, some khakis, two t-shirts and a blue hoodie-sweater. but those are mostly autumn stocks. at escence i found that my conditioner is not going to be continued. this is bad, but on the positve side, they were only 3 bucks from their usual 9 bucks, so i bought nine. i thought nine would be enough, although the lady said she had twelve more in the back. she sounded hopeful.
today at work i decided that i definitely enjoy working in the kitchen quite a bit. lisa and i have fun talking in accents. she's basically fun to work with. and i like the fast pace. amen sistah. today lisa asked some of us who were around her if we would rather eat our own vomit or give birth. i pointed out that although giving birth was more painful, it was something you could be proud of, where as eating your own vomit was definitely something to be ashamed of. then we started joking about handing out cigars to people because you ate your own vomit... kitchen people are rad.
