important note: if you don't feel like a dairy queen treat in the first place, don't get one in the second.
today has been a good day. i wore my gymn class hero shirt. a shirt which i privately enjoy the humour of every time i partake in wearing it. during a freezie blitz lisa said "it's your fault you know. you corrupted me." "one good turn deserves another." quipped i. (twins you love the way i said 'quipped i'. admit it. you revel in it.) lisa laughed and said "oh do you swear at home now?" because by her own admition people at work, (and by people, i mean staff, not that the members aren't people, but their language isn't remarkable as a group) speak like longshoremen, and she always says that me swearing 'more' (because she hasn't seemed to notice that i don't swear at all) is just a matter of time. she's wrong there, but still. today was my early day. that means i was off at two thirty, but i stayed until three, surfing the world wide web for ideas for the second part of karey's present. i was getting desperate, because nothing was speaking to me. nothing jumped out at me. no idea seeme quite right. i was starting to fear that i would have to give up and settle on something that was alright, but not the thing. finally i decided to go home. and it was at my said residence after i had sat down at my computer, and looked at a few things that i suddenly had an edison moment. i hope she'll like it. i went overboard, but i couldn't help it. i never can. it seemed right anyways. that's the feeling i go for. so i was expecting elicia and her mom and uncle and family friend to be here in the middle of moving when i got home, but you know, they weren't? nonono, not until karey had come home and we had gone back to richmond to go to a scrapbooking store and come back did karey squeal "elicia!!" out the window to a woman on the curb by our house who turned out to be elicia's mom. so we did a relay of moving elicia's stuff in the house. elicia's mom stayed in the truck passing things to people to take, karey, family friend guy, and uncle helke carried stuff to the stairs, i ran up and down the stairs bringing stuff inside and elica dragged everything into her room. it didn't take that long at all. elicia's mom kissed me on the cheek and thanked me. we sat around and talked a little bit and uncle helke admired perry the asparagus fern that leif abandoned in my care. i asked him if he wanted it. he seemed surprised that i didn't want it, but i explained that i wasn't having success with him and that the possibility of killing him stressed me out, so he agreed to take him. he said he'd give it to his mom, so perry now resides at elicia's oma's house. i'll kind of miss him though, because i thought his green, wild, no rhyme nor reason ways were quite beautiful, and now karey's cd stand looks bare and lonely. karey on the other hand is glad. today was karey's birthday eve. we as in her and me and elicia, the three of us togetheragain, all went to king sushi for supper. the thing with king sushi, is that the main sushi guy, who i'll wager is not japanese but chinese, looks like a chinese version of the king, aka elvis. then we walked across the street to dairy queen which i've already portrayed as a big mistake. and it was. now it's almost twelve and i've had a good long catch up talk with ruth that lasted for hours. she's so good to talk to though. she's a good person to share your life experiences with because she gets so into what you're saying and really cares. simple eh?. ok tsunami of tiredness.
