i'm not eating supper. donot have the will to cook. instead i'm eating a little tin of katrina's abandoned peaches. why can't you say donot like you can say cannot? well i chose to.
today i did the clubhouse grocery shopping as is my wont on mondee mornings. this particular trip had it's UNpleasentries:
1. what is obvious--the UNpleasent misery of fatigue. this was a constant today. a given if you will.
2. could NOT for the life of me find the nestle variety pack of chocolate bars i failed to get the snack bar last week. could not accept that they just might not have it. looked for it doggedly, willing it to be there. in the end of course, it wasn't.
3. was bagging some dismal looking oranges when a guy that had just passed me in his cart came back around and stopped right at the oranges. he did not proceed to collect or bag oranges as one might guess is the purpose of stopping at the oranges (and he had ample room to do so if that was indeed his wish). no, he stood there leaning on his cart and said "hi." to which i replied "hello." then he just stood there and stared. it was a little creepy to me so i tried to normalize the situation by making small talk about the oranges. i said they weren't very good and this triggered a mini lecture about oranges from south africa, which apparently are the best. the intensity in his voice and eye was again getting a little creepy so i joked a little about how he sounded a little like an orange commercial, twisted on my twist tie, thanked him and departed.
4. our groceries took up both sides of the conveyer. we were solid packed. organized packing was not occuring and this was causing me stress along with the fact that the people behind us had no room for their stuff, and the fact that we ran out of bags, not to mention that i didn't bring enough money. meanwhile, someBUDDY tried to get the free backpack if you spend over 150, or something, but we had no flyer.
5. while loading up my trunk it was necessary to walk back and forth over this extremely sticky spot that consistantly held my flip-flop fast while my foot went free.
6. someBUDDY found a flyer when we took the cart back and ran back up with the reciept. i was left to wait and wait and wait and wait. 20 minutes later we were finally on our way and the proud owners of a 'free' backpack.
hey it just occured to me that i should maybe bring my movies back. but i don't wanna leave the house. i just wanna go to bed. what'll i do? obviously i should just keep them and never go back to blockbuster ever again. it's the only answer.
talked to dad this morning. his new agenda: i MUST and this is imperative, get off early on friday. and i have to leave and pick up sarah and kyle right from work and not go home, but come straight to the floating house. his old agenda resurfaced: but it would be a lot easier if you would just take friday off. and: you could just ask your boss to trade with you. if you said your whole family was going to be there... i don't see what that has to do with anything.
discovered katrina's clover leaf flaked light tuna with lemon and pepper ready to eat. YUM. surprisingly YUM.
