ate too much bacon today. no, this is meaningful. we were making blts and smokey bacon mushroom soup and apparently the tradition in the kitchen is to eat the bacon while you go. well i participated in the tradition a little too enthusiastically today. yuck. YUK. by the time i realized i had had too much bacon, it was too late. my organs were swimming in pig grease. this coupled with a week of frenzied bustle with no breaks at all in the kitchen, did me in. i was alone most of the morning and all during the rush. when i say alone i mean without lisa. i had some members of course. hello, i'm not some kind of superwoman. anyways this type of scenario has been typical. during lunch we ran out of meatlless burgers, (because my middle man was confused and sold them all to burger orders, who luckily did not seem to notice), cajun chicken caesers, and spaghetti. i was trouble shooting which is my usual position. this means i direct the runners and waiters, help the people doing the special, help the middle man, give the middle man his orders, the sandwich/salad guy his orders, put all finished orders out on the counter with their reciept, and handle any kind of other troubleshooting type problem, like running out of things and so on. and since i'm the new-nice-girl in the kitchen and lisa who can put the fear of god into anyone who crosses her has been gone, i get requests like "baked potato, not stuffed (that's what's on the menu) butter on the side (we don't offer butter) with a garden salad dressing on the side." lisa would have taken one look at that order and put that particular person in her place. but not me. i aim to please. then this same person comes with a guy after lunch is officially over, and all my lunch help has fled except my faithful chinese dishwasher, and i'm dragging my exhausted limbs around the kitchen cleaning up, putting away and preparing a take home for our blind guy for the weekend, and pleas for something to eat for the guy. i have no energy to protest, plus the guy used to work here, so i feel like i shouldn't be a cow to him, although i'm sorely tempted. lisa arrived back at one right when i had juuuuuust gotten everything 'squared away' as auntie sheila would say. we washed all the tables and piled the chairs on top of them, and then lisa mopped the dining room as i swept the kitchen. then i sat down to do the money and that was the first time all day that i had stopped at all let alone sat down (ok i stopped and ate my lunch in five minutes). it was around two. lisa had a hard week too. we were both beaten and tired. so she said we were both going to go home at three via the side door. i finished the money, listened to lisa and dave talk through some bleariness, folded some laundry, and lisa sent me off. it was quarter to three. i lingered doing odds and ends and lisa's no nonsense voice warned me again "i'm not kidding..." i needed nothing else. came home, searched in vain for a freezie, talked to fatima a bit on msn before i could take it no longer, and fell into a dead sleep on the couch. only woke up when pete arrived an hour later. my heart was still an appetizer wrapped in bacon. karey and pete have a new system. fridays are their 'date nights' and now they're taking turns picking what the date is. the key is that the one who is nawt choosing, doesn't get to complain. karey was put to the test today when pete did nawt want to go to playland (all girls get to go free today. free rides and everything) but she did very well even when pete saw that she had printed out the free coupon and was going to relent, said no, she wanted to do what he had planned and she wasn't going to complain and it was alright as long as she was with him. i was proud of her. :)
my night was dull. i put away my photo mess because karey's sister and neice are sleeping over tonight and then they're going over to the island together. i knew she'd like as tidy a house as possible. then i walked down to visit my friendly neighbourhood subway guy who always uses a lot of 'source', and always forgets the white paper. i also got money for bills because i'm trying to be a good roommate. i've been watching the olympics all night. right now rowing is on. the women came in fourth. sigh. ok well i'm going to bed. temple tomorrow and i want to read my scrips before i go to bed. i've missed two days and i was on a good tangent study.
