yesterday when looking in phat's old family photos discovered one that said this on the back "husband, myself and my son."  relationships as names.  very communal.  it has a certain appeal.  i may one day call my husband 'husband' too.  or mister.  or both.  ha ha what husband? 
it was nice to be back at work today.  it's nice because 1.) i like my work, which is mostly building relationships and trying to give people dignity.  2.) there's so many people to build up and care about there  3.) i'm seeing the results of my relationship building.  today i had to run and do some shopping for the kitchen before the store opened.  this could have been done expidicously had i in fact remembered the correct directionals.  but my nose for save-on failed me until third and final option proved to be the path to x marks the spot.  so i was ten minutes late opening the store.  maxi's gone camping for the week, so i got no steady help in the store.  but some people came by to volunteer today, so this was good.  today terrance who always yells out my name every time i pass him, so he can remember it, read my shirt which says "Northside Homers"  and has a big softball in the middle.  he said "you have a shirt for everything!"  i wish i did terrance, i wish i did.   have i mentioned how there's a mouse trap right at my feet under my desk at work?  there is.  this equals unpleasant.  later jason and i went to do the recycling and found it closed.  on returning back debbie making cookies said "oh ya, it's not open until wednesday"  thanks debbie.  i hid her cookies, but later she gave me one.  i found out that i'm doing two social nights next month.  one wed. and one fri.   they said it's because 'apparently people like you'  .  that's what they tell all the rookies.  
things to do.  


Beth-a-knee said…
heya! how does the new blog feel? did you know that it does not accept anonymous comments? well, it doesn't! better fix ut!

amyleigh said…
laurbee!!! WHOOP! now all you need is to get "hello" and you kin publish photos!