
this is what it feels like to wake up with enough sleep.  i'm starting to remember... 
little treat for snappea: shindig.  shindig.  be careful of your SHINDIG.  it hurts when someone kicks you in the shindig
once when i was packing to gototheisland, i told steve to come and talk to me in the duration, instead of waiting by himseluf in the livingroom.  however, once the said steve was in place packing could not commence.  basically i was uncomfy in the workplace.  steve suggested it was the maxi pad factor.  ha ha.  um no, but enjoyed the archaic usage of the maxi pad terminology.  in the end comfort was gained by steve volunteering to put on my soothing gel eye mask.  so he sat there with it on while we talked and i packed.  = amusing and kind. 
once sarah-lynsie and i were shopping.  we were at the last store.  we had been shopping a long time.  we were a bit giddy.  sarah-lynn found the short, black, and wide pleated skirt she had been looking for all day.  but it was too big.  way too big.  she stubbornly held on to it and put it on over her jeans as she pranced around the store saying "see?  it's not too big"  i was like "um ya it is."  she was like "totally."  no just kidding.  so meanwhile the same lady was still a manager at this store.  i remember her from when i used to live in the city of seven potatoes myself.  so she's a bit anal.  she was watching for the skirt wherever it went and looking for an opportunity to hang it up and put it back in it's rightful spot the whole time.  she couldn't help but hint at it.  but she's a nice lady.  has her quirks is all.  as we were heading to the door for some unexplicable reason sarah sang the first line of home on the range.  you know, "home, home on the range..."  like you do when you have a song in your head and you must needs have an outlet for it so you sing it to yourself?  well, what was even more inexplicable, was that as soon as sarah sang the first line this analmangagerlady from somewhere off to the side, where we hadn't really noticed her comes back with "where the dear and the antelope play..."  oh boy.  sarah and i looked at each other in wide eyed surprise and laughed.  people surprise you.  = tidbit of hilarity to our day
speaking of days i've got to get going on mine
