i've just been introduced to the mosquito zapper and encouraged to 'use' it.

a deep need has been fufilled.  ocean need.  piper's need.  happy happy happiness.  i have seaweed dried to my thumb.  i have inner peace.   i have salty sea hair but mom said i look beautiful.  of course she would.  these moments are the exact moments she comes up with these types of comments.  it can tend to lessen credibility, unless you chose to believe despite lack of evidences...  but back to my rejoice of a return to oceanness...   the twins and i arrived at piper's the beach we call beloved, or the beach we call home, just after the sun had set.  the mainland mountains still had some deep smokey mauve clinging to their edges, but the sky was deepening and a few gung ho stars were already out.  we stripped off our outers.  we inched in.  experienced the usual cries of flesh protest, first when the water hit our upper thighs, and onward until at last it was mid-bellybutton.  it was time to go under.  as usual bethany stalled.  balked, if you will.  as usual amay and i did our water suction noises together, what apparently bethany calls 'water farts'.  not a fan of this name per se...  amay and i took the dive.  phosphies slid past our eyes in flashes of light as we surfaced.  bethany was a nervous nelly and then succombed.  plenty-o-good-times ensued including but not limited to: dancing like teve in 'if i were a rich man', the water train which ended in a group instrumental of 'the hills are alive with the sound of music' punctuated with faux graceful water dancing, phosphie stirring, dogpaddling like an egg beater, and lying on the ocean sky (because it is a sky with phosphie stars)  with our arms linked looking at the sky above full of stars--this means we were smack in the middle of starry skies.   surrounded by heaven and sea i was aware, periphially, of my sisters by my elbows linked in theirs, and the occasional bump of a floating limb against mine, and of my own breathing and my smallness suspended there in God's great universe.   it was a moment.  meanwhile we drifted over our heads.  we raced for the shore in wild vigourous swimming.  i can catch phosphies in my 'suit'.   i was reluctant to leave and crawled along the shallow waters on my hands.  i could see my pale white hands moving in the black water with gold irridescence (sp?) shimmering all around.  i said i was a mystical sea pegasus with pale shining paws.  a mystical sea beast.  (pegasus was because of napolean, naturally)  i said paw becaues i wished to.  i mean a sea pegasus may have paws instead of hoofs.  anyways i got out and we sat as we always do be-toweled on a log with twin on either side.  but amay and i gave in to impulse and ran pel-mel back in until we dove.  our one last hurrah.  and then one more.  bethany declined.  but after that she told the customary story-while-sitting-on-a-log-on-the-beach-after-swimming-story.  it was about a princess, lauramee who lived in a floating castle that resembled a ferry quite a bit, incidentally, and how she fell in love.  it ended abruptly as they always do.  and we came home.  just before we pulled into the driveway amay's poor suicidal sweatshirt jumped ship.  it was tragic to see it lying there in the road, a crumpled dejected heap.  amy performed an 'intervention'. 
thing i've remembered: hufalup
new creation: the mournful dirge of the missing m.
what i forgot:  my jammies   
