i was showing karey my spellmaster.  i asked her a word she couldn't spell and she said, "i don't know... fornicate."  a good  choice.  so we were going to go to the fireworks tonight, but karey decided she needed to stop procrastinating in regards to the bridesmaid dress she's supposed to make, and steve is sleep deprived.  i haven't been getting that much sleep either, and i feel like i'm coming down with something, so it's good to stay home.  karey's watching some kind of reality show about some city kids and some amish kids thrown together in one house for a couple of months during rum springa.  they just took the amish kids shopping.  the one girl miriam saw a parking meter for the first time and she thought they were cool.  meanwhile moses was excited by his new faded jeans.
in other news i have a canker on the tip of my toungue.  do not enjoy this.
this amish show is really distracting me. 
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh my gosh.  jonathon and richard just showed up to get the rest of katrina's stuff. it was a bit of a surprise visit if you know what i mean.  certain itemology was strewn about.  fortunately  i covered it up with my quick cat-like movements.  ha ha. 
today at work: put together an ikea tv shelving unit that was donated WITHOUT instructions.  donna helped me.  we were pretty proud of ourselves. on the high of that accomplishment put together an office chair.  was the recipiant of some disturbing information.  really disturbing.  didn't know what to do, or how to react.  so i continued to focus on my crossword puzzle.   didn't know if i should show my dizgust or not.  after lunch i was pretty much a basket case of exhaustion and a growing ache in the back of my throat.  the last hour of work is the socializing hour. spent this time vegging in the kitchen office alone.  today was rich's last day and debbie cheered that i was coming into the kitchen during our morning meeting.  not the most tactful thing to do in front of the guy.  i felt bad.  he commented on it when we shook hands good bye.  he said "well i guess everyone will be happy to have you in my place in the kitchen."  what do you say to that?  yep.  basically.  no, i just reassured him that it was only debbie who was excited.  he told me "good luck."  him and mike exchanged email addresses.  i teased mike that he had a new pen pal. 
just grossed myself out by swatting at a mosquito and getting one.  ick.
started reading steve's bible commentary book today.  i'm in the midst of the intro where we're discussing such questions as: are the people in gen. 16-50 actual historical people?  is the telling accurate? and is the time span recorded accurate? and so on. 
napolean dyno was on tv today in a commercial.  last night at the hometeaches, mike showed us pics of him and napolean on their missions in japan. napolean looked like he was tweluv.  mike had 'fat mtc face'--in his words.

